infinitree 0.2.2

Embedded, encrypted database with tiered cache

Infinitree is a versioned, embedded database that uses uniform, encrypted blobs to store data.

It works best for use cases with independent writer processes, as multiple writer processes on a single tree are not supported.

In fact, calling Infinitree a database may be generous, as all persistence-related operations are explicit. Under the hood, it's using serde for flexibility and interoperability with the most libraries out of the box.


  • Thread-safe by default
  • Transparently handle hot/warm/cold storage tiers; currently S3-compatible backends is supported
  • Versioned data structures that can be queried using the Iterator trait without loading in full
  • Encrypt all on-disk data, and only decrypt it on use
  • Focus on performance and flexible choice of performance/memory use tradeoffs
  • Extensible for custom data types and storage strategies
  • Easy to integrate with cloud workers & KMS for access control

Example use

use infinitree::{
fields::{Serialized, VersionedMap, LocalField},
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct PlantHealth {
id: usize,
air_humidity: usize,
soil_humidity: usize,
temperature: f32

#[derive(Index, Default, Clone)]
pub struct Measurements {
// rename the field when serializing
#[infinitree(name = "last_time")]
_old_last_time: Serialized<String>,

#[infinitree(name = "last_time2")]
last_time: Serialized<usize>,

// only store the keys in the index, not the values
#[infinitree(strategy = "infinitree::fields::SparseField")]
measurements: VersionedMap<usize, PlantHealth>,

// skip the next field when loading & serializing
current_time: usize,

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut tree = Infinitree::<Measurements>::empty(
Key::from_credentials("username", "password")?

tree.index().measurements.insert(1, PlantHealth {
id: 0,
air_humidity: 50,
soil_humidity: 60,
temperature: 23.3,

*tree.index().last_time.write() = 1;
tree.commit("first measurement! yay!");

Core concepts


[Infinitree] provides high-level versioning, querying, and key and memory management operations for working with the different [fields] in the [Index].

An Infinitree instance is mainly acting as a context for all operations on the tree, and will be your first entry point when working with trees and persisting them.

Persisting any field in an Index will require an Intent to ensure the right Strategy is being used for persistence.


In the most simplistic case, you can think about your Index as a schema for a tree.

In a more complicated setup, the [Index] trait and corresponding derive macro represent an view into a single version of your data. Using an [Infinitree] you can swap between the various versions and mix-and-match data from various versions into a single Index instance.

Interaction with Index member fields is straightforward. However, the derive macro will generate functions that produce an Intent for any operation that touches the persistence layer, such as Store and Load.


An Index consists of fields. These are thread-safe data structures with internal mutation, which support some kind of serialization Strategy.

You can use any type that implements [serde::Serialize] as a field, through the fields::Serialized wrapper type.

Persisting and loading fields is done using an Intent wrapper. If you use the [Index][derive@Index] macro, this will automatically create accessor functions for each field in an index, that return an Intent wrapped strategy.

This is to elide the specific types and allow doing batch operations, e.g. when calling [Infinitree::commit] using a different strategy for each field in an Index.


To tell Infinitree how to serialize an field, you can use different strategies. A strategy has full control over the field and the serializers/loader transactions for it, which means you can control the performance and placement of pieces of data.

Every strategy receives an Index transaction, and a Object reader/writer. It is the responsibility of the strategy to store references so you can load back the data once persisted.

There are 2 strategies in the base library:

  • LocalField: Store all of the data in the index. This is the default.
  • SparseField: Store values in a Map outside of the index. Best suited for large structs as values.

Deciding which strategy is best for your use case may mean you have to run some experiments. A SparseField is generally useful for indexing large structs that you want to query rather than load at once.

See the documentation for the [Index][derive@Index] macro to see how to use strategies.